Maintenance Cost
This module allows users to keep records of costs incurred on equipment, which can be sourced from either external or internal vendors.
Last updated
This module allows users to keep records of costs incurred on equipment, which can be sourced from either external or internal vendors.
Last updated
Hospital Select Hospital name
Type Select any one type
Cost By Select source of cost.
Select Equipment Choose Equipment
Enter the Start date Enter the start date of the cost
Enter End date Enter end date of cost
Cost Add total cost of equipment
Add More Equipment Add more equipment if required
Manage Equipment includes the following functionalities:
Add New Maintenance Cost.
Show Entries (10,25,50 & 100).
To Find particular records.
Users can modify, view & delete the already added records.
Users can edit cost records and add more equipment for the hospital, but they cannot edit existing equipment while adding more equipment.